
Fall in Love With the Art of a Handwritten Note

Stop in to pick out a piece of local art or stationery in Grand Rapids, MI

In a digital world, the art of the handwritten note hasn't quite been lost. With the selection of unique stationery at Periwinkle Fog, you're bound to fall in love again with taking pen to paper. Our Grand Rapids, MI shop will help you find the perfect stationery or cards to send out. Looking for a gift to go with your note? Take a peek at our consignment art section.

Don't spend another moment searching for the ideal gift. Come in to find amazing local art and beautiful stationery.

Each artist has their own style. When you purchase local art, you're also purchasing a small piece of the artist who created it. Periwinkle Fog is proud to provide an opportunity for artists to showcase their work and get it in front of you. We display all types of consignment art, giving you the chance to find the ultimate piece for your home.

Are you searching for something in particular? Come in to see what we have on display by our local Grand Rapids, MI talent. We can't wait to see what you find.